

CHEM1120C: Introduction to Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory (non majors)

Credits 4

This course covers qualitative and quantitative areas of non-organic general chemistry for nonscience majors and some health professions. Students will learn and apply principles pertaining, but not limited to, atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table, acids and bases, mass relationships, and solutions. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1120Z (laboratory) is required.

CHEM1120Z: Intro to Chemistry Lab

244Revised 9/25/2019Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory is a laboratory course designed to complement the theory and concepts presented in the Introduction to Chemistry lecture component, and will introduce students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1120C (lecture) is required.

CHEM1215C: General Chemistry I Lecture and Laboratory for STEM Majors

Credits 4

This course is intended to serve as an introduction to General Chemistry for students enrolled in science, engineering, and certain preprofessional programs. Students will be introduced to several fundamental concepts, including mole, concentration, heat, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, bonding, physical states, stoichiometry, and reactions. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1215Z (laboratory) is required.

CHEM1215Z: General Chemistry I Lab

General Chemistry I Laboratory for Science Majors is the first semester laboratory course designed to complement the theory and concepts presented in General Chemistry I lecture. The laboratory component will introduce students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1215C (lecture) is required.

CHEM1225C: General Chemistry II Lecture and Laboratory for STEM Majors

Credits 4

This course is intended to serve as a continuation of general chemistry principles for students enrolled in science, engineering, and certain preprofessional programs. The course includes, but is not limited to a theoretical and quantitative coverage of solutions and their properties, kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, entropy and free energy, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Additional topics may include (as time permits) organic, polymer, atmospheric, and biochemistry. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1225Z (laboratory) is required.

CHEM1225Z: General Chemistry II-STEM majo

General Chemistry II Laboratory for Science Majors is the second of a two semester sequence of laboratory courses designed to complement the theory and concepts presented in General Chemistry II lecture. The laboratory component will introduce students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1225C (lecture) is required.