Distance Education—Online Courses
Students who plan to take online courses should follow the application and registration procedure outlined in this Catalog. All students, regardless of the delivery mode, follow the same procedures. The unique ID and PIN issued to the student will be used as the username and password for the online Learning Management System (LMS) to verify their identity in the course.
Students who are unable or do not wish to come to campus can transact all of their business with the school using computer technology and the telephone. For specific services, such as academic advising or financial aid, refer to those sections in the Catalog. Students can call NMJC offices for assistance.
Students taking online classes should review the information provided by the Distance Education Department at NMJC at www.nmjc.edu. Helpful information is provided so students can determine if online education is appropriate for their learning style. In addition, Frequently Asked Questions and Answers are provided.
Procedures for Proctored Test in an Online Course
In keeping with instructional best practices, NMJC strongly encourages all online instructors to administer assessment activities and instruments (assignments, projects, papers, quizzes, tests, and exams) within the confines of the institution’s Learning Management System (LMS). Should a certain course require the administration of a proctored exam, limitations would include a mid-term and/or final exam.
When a proctored exam is required, the course instructor is responsible for alerting students to the requirement on the course syllabus as well as within the course itself. Guidelines for proctored exams must be evident for both local online students and distant online students. For students within the local area, the proctored exam is taken at the NMJC Testing Center at no charge. Please contacting the Testing Center Coordinator for more information at 575-492-2591 or testing@nmjc.edu. Any student taking an exam at any Testing Center is required to furnish a picture ID.
Students who are not within driving distance of the Hobbs campus will be responsible for making arrangements with a testing center in his/her respective location. The testing center must be approved by the course instructor or the instructor may arrange for an online proctoring system within the time frame established by that instructor.
It is the responsibility of the student to pay any fees that may be charged by a testing center or remote proctoring system. Information that must be provided by the student to the instructor via course e-mail is as follows:
- Name and address of testing center
- Name and title of person responsible for administering the exam at the testing center
- Phone number, E-mail address, and Fax number
- Hours of operation
- Distance Education—Online Courses
- Registration
The course instructor will follow-up with the information provided by the student to determine the validity of the suggested site and make arrangements for the delivery of the testing instrument.
NMJC distance learning classes use Canvas Learning System, a course management system. Canvas works with a computer’s Internet browser to create a “virtual classroom” where online tools such as a discussion board, chat room, e-mail, online quizzes and more are used. Students can login to Canvas from the NMJC homepage, www.nmjc.edu.