During the 2005 New Mexico Legislative session, Senate Bill 161, consistent with requirements of state law (Chapter 224 of the Laws of New Mexico, 1995 as amended) was signed into law to further enhance and facilitate the articulation ofgeneral education courses among New Mexico’s colleges and universities. In accordance with policies established by the New Mexico Higher EducationDepartment, designated general education core courses successfully completed atany regionally accredited public institution of higher education in New Mexico areguaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public institution. Students who havedecided on a major and/or an institution at which to complete their studies shouldconsult with an academic advisor at that particular institution to determine the mostappropriate course selections. Students enrolling for the first year of study at a NewMexico college or university and considering possible transfer into a certificate and/ordegree program at another institution are encouraged to take the courses approvedfor transfer during their freshman and sophomore year of study.
The New Mexico General Education Core Curriculum includes designated general education courses that are focused on the essential skills that all college graduates need for success and are guaranteed to transfer to any New Mexico public college or university. Students must complete courses approved for general education by the New Mexico Curriculum & Articulation Committee in the disciplines of communications, mathematics, laboratory science, social and behavioral sciences,humanities, and creative and fine arts.
Additional information on the New Mexico Higher Education (HED) General Education Core Model can be found on the NMHED website www.hed.state.nm.us.