
Practical Nursing (LPN)


New Mexico Board of Nursing has granted approval for NMJC to offer an LPN Certificate upon completion of Level 3 (third semester) of the curriculum and one additional course, NU212 Professional Issues in PN Practice, taken concurrently. Students may then apply to state boards of nursing to take the NCLEX-PN with multi-state privilege.

LPNs are the frontline of nursing, interacting directly with patients on a daily basis, and providing basic bedside care. They maintain patient records, measure vital signs, administer and monitor medication, assist doctors and nurses with tests and procedures, and offer other basic needs for the comfort of the patient. LPNs have several possibilities on where to work, including hospitals, physician’s offices, nursing facilities, home health care services and much more.

How to Apply

Interested students should complete NMJC ADN (RN) Program Admission Requirements and Application Packet and submit all required documents to the Nursing Department Office in the Allied Health Building by the May 20th deadline. There is an additional $105.00 ATI testing package (to be paid in Level 3) associated with the LPN option. Please see the NMJC Nursing Student Estimate of Costs.

All NMJC nursing students who wish to become an LPN must meet the certification coursework and pass the NCLEX exam (National Council Licensure Examination).

Nursing Core Course Requirements

Level 1, Semester 1

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Nursing Core Course Requirements

Level 2, Semester II

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Nursing Core Course Requirements

Level 3, Semester III

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Curriculum Nursing Course Grading Scale:

  • 90-100 = A
  • 80-89.99 = B
  • 77-79.99 = C
  • 60-76.99 = D
  • 0-59.99 = F

All courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher.

  • A minimum of 15 semester hours must be earned at NMJC. The remainder may be acceptable transfer credits. 
  • Students will not be permitted to graduate if they have unresolved incomplete (I) grades on their academic record. 
  • Although college officials will provide assistance, it is the final responsibility of the student to check all phases of his or her degree completion.


See Nursing Program addendum information here.

Total Credits